
The Introverted Weed Lover

I’m a weed-loving introverted empath, highly sensitive spiritual being, young empty nester, wife, first-time boxer dog mom (soon to be second), cannabis educator/coach, writer, email marketer and wanna-be crafty lady. Wheh! That's a mouthful! But seriously that's who I am.

I created MariJane Simplicity because as someone who loves to use weed for just about anything - I couldn't find a place I belonged. So I thought I would create my own and see what happens. I can't be the only introverted weed lover.

But for me it isn't just about smoking. It's all the propaganda around cannabis and how that stops the plant from, I believe, saving our planet, along with bees.

I learned about weed at 16 years old and back then it was just about the high and escaping.

I would eventually quit around 21. It wasn't till I was 32 years old that weed came back into my life.

I would be a "user" a term I can't stand, for 2 years, before I would start seeking out information and trying to figure out how and why cannabis worked sometimes and not other times. And boy was I thrown into a world of - nothing really made sense. Cannabis education doesn't really exist. Not in a way that would help anyone, at least I think.

I would take several courses before I found Natual Wellness Acadamy and completed their Cannabis Coaching certification. It was from that course that I said - oh! Cannabis makes sense and I want to tell everyone about it!

Except for one thing - I'm introverted, public speaking scares me. Huge audiences? No! But then I remembered I used to host all kinds of calls and basically be the center of attention and I did really well for an anxiety-ridden individual back then.

I wrote the blog series the 7 Elements of Cannabis and never promoted it, until now. I believe it's what you need to know to get started using cannabis. I'm also available via email if you have more questions or struggle to have enough time with your budtender.

As an introvert, I don't have many friends and I honestly don't have friends that use weed. Most are drinkers or don't do anything. I've always hidden my use because the fear of judgment has always been very real in my head. (one I will not let win because hey - only I'm living my life!)

This blog and coaching have helped me tremendously continue to step into being who I am. I slowly started speaking up more, writing more, and sharing this website with more people. Starting to be more confident as a cannabis enthusiast was not easy for me. I have been following the crowd for over 20 years! To go against what society thinks has always been scary! But today more than ever we need to speak up and take action.

I have this calling, this feeling that I need to be out there. I need to share my story, share my ups and downs with cannabis, my love for weed, and why I think it's so great. But more importantly, I believe I can help others on their cannabis journey. I can help people understand weed in a way they never have before and most importantly feel comfortable with the cannabis and the knowledge they are doing what is best for them.

Because at the end of the day - isn't that what we are all trying to do?

Email me with questions, comments, or topics you are interested in hearing more about.

Subscribe to my weekly newsletters. Women can smoke weed and lead amazing lives. Learn about weed and all the ways it could help you (I'm a certified cannabis coach because of how much it helped me), while learning about my life as a married (almost) empty-nester mom, turned boxer dog mom, and life as a writer and new digital marketer in the wellness and cannabis industry. Cannabis education and lifestyle done differently.